Sunday, December 20, 2009

We want the things we do to have meaning and relevance. Most would like to be remembered for something, hopefully good. I would like to be known for not being known for anything. A destiny well defined by obscurity. But now is the time to attempt something meaningful. So what kind of cart do we want now that we have the tools necessary for a project. One of the problems I have is confining my imagination to the resources at hand. I envision some kind of new and unique heretofore unseen design that is probably both impossible and impractical to produce. So how do we come up with an original idea? Well if you are like me then you have to look at existing designs. The formula one racers have always been my favorite. They look like a rocket ship on wheels and are fairly easy to sketch and modify. let's look at some pictures illustrating the evolution of racing from early 1900's up to the present. Steam powered cars were actually the first cars to be raced but we will start with the internal combustion engine era.Here is a race car probably pre 1900's. I am not sure what it is but it sure is one of them. The number seems a bit cryptic. You roll this machine and it becomes Satans' racer.

1901 Panhard

1909 Ford Model T

1926 Miller-Schofield (Now that's more like it)

1939 Maserati

1958 Ferrari 246 Formula 1

1966 Ferrari 312. Classic rear engine Styling.

And here is my favorite. It is a 2004 Eddie Jordan Formula 1 Race Car. I can definately get some inspiration from this car.

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