Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Modified hood form. I got the form for the hood straightened out and it is almost ready for the fiberglass overlay.
All of the open ends in the frame tubes need to be plugged. Just a small piece of 1/8" thick metal is all that is needed for this.

Now comes the fun part of sand blasting the frame. I am setting up a crude sand blasting cabinet at the back of the warehouse. A portable sand blast unit is all that is needed. It was well over 100 degrees the day this picture was taken. I was more concerned about avoiding a heat stroke than getting a good sand blast job.
Use of a plastic tarp will aid in capturing the sand blast media for recycling.

The hood form has been covered with plastic packaging tape to keep the resin from sticking and is now ready for fitting the fiberglass cloth. The cloth is draped onto the mold and I am using a magic marker to show where the cloth needs to be trimmed.

The final step before applying the epoxy and glass is to coat the surface of the mold with paraffin to help keep the epoxy from sticking to the mold.

Just mix a small amount of resin at a time so you can thoroughly wet the surface before the epoxy sets up. You can simply mix another batch and start where you left off. Just a little bit goes a long way. I got about half way with the first batch and it was almost too much to work before it stated setting up.

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