Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tonight I spent over 2 hours just grinding the lower rear shock mounts and getting them tacked into place. This makes me think about time and how we spend it. Each one of us has only so many days on this earth and constantly make choices as to how we spend those days. I begin to wonder if the time spent on this project is worthwhile. What else could I be doing that would be more productive? But is productivity all that there is to it. It seems to me that our society is becoming ever more complex. There is so much to do and consider before we can even start producing. So we have productivity and complexity. You may ask why I am wasting my time writing this drivel. I may ask why you are wasting time reading it. I would like to think there is a purpose for doing things the way we do it. Could it be that rules and regulations become more important than the activities they regulate? I could ask why you are wearing a red shirt today. You might respond that if you wore a different color shirt I would still ask the same question. When questioned why she always chopped the end of the ham off before baking it a woman replied that her mother always chopped it off. In curiosity the woman asked her mother why she did it that way. Her mother replied that her oven was not long enough for the entire ham. I could tell you to slant the bottom shock mounts at a 20 degree angle. Why would I suggest such a thing? What if 19.5 degrees would be better? The point is that we have to try something. My mig welder was not making good welds at all tonight. My first suspicion is always "operator error". So I had to keep adjusting things until I finally got it back to acceptable. But what if the fix had nothing to do with anything I did. It is kind of like replacing an old sticking thermostat on your car with a brand new defective thermostat with the same problem. Talk about messing with your mind. That is not supposed to happen. So you keep on searching for another problem that does not exist. Has this ever happened to me? Of course it has and most likely has happened to you as well. So what really constitutes wasting time? Are we learning something that we could not find out any other way? It is time for incessant questioning to end and action to begin. So why a 20 degree slant? I just read it somewhere. Did I use an angle gauge to set the angle? Not just no.

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