Friday, September 10, 2010

Well well well sometimes it just does not turn out the way you think it will. The rear roll bar looks fine when viewed from the rear but looking at it from the side is a different horse color. It is the color of a very crooked horse. I was not paying attention to maintaining squareness in both planes. I think the problem developed when I welded the two halves of the roll bar together while it was sitting in place on the cart. I should have taken it off of the cart and placed it flat on the floor to weld it together. This next photo is not very clear because it is so humid out here tonight. I brought the camera out here to the garage from the air conditioned house and the lens fogged up. You can see that the bar is nowhere near straight. So how do I correct this? I have tried to put it back in the bender to straighten it out but it will not fit far enough because this is a different plane that I need to adjust. The more I try to adjust it the worse it gets. It's not that the roll bar wouldn't work perfectly fine like this but I just can't stand how bad it looks. I'm sure there is a way to straighten this out but I just don't know what it is and don't have time to try and figure it out. I have no choice but to start over. Luckily I have enough pipe left. I think I am feeling a little depressed because I thought I was making headway. I noticed that next month will be a year since I started the plans for this project. I should have been through by now. So I will do what I usually do when I find myself in this situation. And what is that? Did you say go inside and eat a box of Twinkies? No, I will call it a night and go dream about pipes. Next I will attempt to bend it all in one piece like I should have in the first place.

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